Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lesson 7: Travel

Li Gia` Travel 旅行
Gap Bik Luggage 呷必
Hu Jio Passport 护照
Gi Pia Plane Ticket 机票
Li Guang Hotel 旅馆
Bue Gi (Deng) (On the) Airplane 飞机()
Jo Sit

Mo Bad, not
Dou Iao Hungry 肚饿
Siao Po Crazy Woman 疯婆
Lou Hate
Gak Hung Wedding 结婚

Mui Gok USA
A Jiu Asia 亚洲
O Jiu Australia 澳洲
Ou Jiu Europe 欧洲
Dong Gok China 中国
Hiang Gang Hong Kong 香港
Gao Miang Cambodia 高棉
Uak Nam Vietnam 越南
Tai Gok Thailand 泰国
Sing Gia Pua Singapore 新加坡
Bhe Lai A Malaysia 马来亚
Ing Ni Indonesia 印尼
Huak Gok France 法国

Gia Na Dai Canada 加拿大

A: Boitguet yijapek ho ua keu Giajiu.
I'm going to California on August 21st.

B: Leu joni keu? Sai chia si jo buegi?
How are you getting there? Are you driving or riding a plane?
汝怎呢去? 开车或坐飞机。

A: Ua jo buegi. Ua jiam boi gipia.
I'm riding a plane. I just bought the ticket.
我坐飞机。 我刚买机票。

B: Jo yiot gu?
How long is the flight? (Lit. Sit how long.)

A: Koneng no diam jeng.
Probably two hours.

B: Oi ho, no diam jeng bho yiot gu. Dangsi leu diot jiat do buegi deng.
That's good, two hours is not too long. But you will have to eat on the plane.
会好, 两点钟无若久。 但是汝着食在飞机顶。

A: Si a. Ua jingsik bho hat jiat buegi deng gai muetgia. Mo jiat!
Yeah. I really don't like eating the food on the plane. Tastes bad!
是啊。 我真实无合食飞机顶个物件。 孬食!

B: Kisek ua hat jiat i gai muetgia, da` jigai ue ua dou iao.
Actually I like the food on the plane, talking about this makes me hungry.
其实我合食伊个物件, 呾只个话我肚饿。

A: Leu siaopua! Dangsi do buegi deng ua ho toi "Gat Li Pua Ta." Ua hat heugai hi`.
You crazy woman! But on the plane we get to watch "Harry Potter." I like that movie.
汝疯婆! 但是在飞机顶我好睇 哈里坡特。 我合许个戲。

B: Leu gagi siaopua! Ua siang lou heugai hi`! Joise, do Giajiu leu na do digo?
Your the crazy woman! I hate that movie the most! Well, where are you staying in California?
汝自己疯婆! 我上恼许个戲! 在生, 在加州汝住在底块?

A: Ua na do liguang.
I'm staying in a hotel.

B: Leu keu Giajiu muet mitgai?
What are you doing in California?

A: Ua diot keu ua gai pengiu gai gakhung gat ua keu hiusek. Leu jai do heugo u digo ho seung bho?
I'm going to a friend's wedding and going there to take a vacation. Do you know any fun places there?
我着去我个朋友个结婚合我去休息。 汝知在许个有底块好玩无?

B: Ua ne keu heugo jijua, soyi leu inggai meung leu gai pengiu. Dangsi ua tiadiot Disneyland jing ho seung. Leu inggai keu chi jiat In & Out Burger. Dangsi ua sio buegi deng gai muetgia ho jiat gue.
I've only been there once, so you should ask your friend. But I hear Disneyland is really fun. You should try eating In & Out Burger. But I think plane food taste better.
我只去许个一匝, 所以汝应该问汝个朋友。 但是我听着 Disneyland 真好玩。 汝应该去试食 In & Out Burger。 但是我想飞机顶个物件好食过。

A: Ua ai` kok leu jigai tao.
I want to knock you on the head.
我欲[ ]汝一个头。

B: Jaise` mai m gidek leu gai hujio gat gapbik. Pengang sung lou!
Well don't forget to take your passport and luggage. Have a safe trip!
在些, 勿唔记得汝个护照合呷必。 平安[ ]路!



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